For You: Assessment

Data-driven insights. Integrated feedback. Discover the “hidden you.”

Find yourself.

No single test can tell the full story of you; all tests have interpretive limitations. Our goal is to not only provide meaningful data but also educate you on how to use it wisely.

Assessing your strengths, values, personality traits, and emotional functioning in a systematic manner can reveal or identify aspects of the self often taken for granted. Standardized assessment measures offer insights that can help you move toward your goals more quickly and confidently.


Personalized Protocol

First, we will collaborate to identify what it is you’re trying to learn about yourself and how that will help you meet your challenges. Recommended assessment measures are customized to your needs.

Actionable Feedback

Assessment reports are designed with specific action steps in mind. Your integrated final report is not an end, but a beginning - generating hypotheses to test, informing you on how to best move forward.

Consultation Services

Maybe you’ve already taken personality, career, or strengths-based tests before but aren’t sure what to make of them. We may be able to help you better understand the results and demystify the feedback.